Saturday 3 May 2014

Abbott expected to ignore Commission of Audit report on Chaplaincy Waste

The Commission of Audit has recommended that the Commonwealth end the chaplaincy program, which has already wasted almost half a billion dollars of tax-payer's money.

In 2011, 96.5% of the chaplains employed under the program were Christian, even though only 64% of Australians identified as Christian. Roy Morgan polling shows that currently only 52.6% of Australians identify as Christian.

Ron Williams has launched a successful challenge to the constitutionality of federal money being spent without the oversight of the parliament. We recommend that our members follow the second High Court challenge to the constitutional validity of chaplaincy, and consider supporting Ron Williams in his challenge.

The National School Chaplaincy Program - Australia's most outrageous political stunt from RonnieWilliams on Vimeo.

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