Tuesday 28 October 2014

Richard Dawkins is coming to Sydney:
8pm Thursday 4 December | Sydney | Seymour Centre

For information and booking, please go to: http://atheistfoundation.org.au/richarddawkins/

Saturday 25 October 2014


Sydney Atheists are proud to announce that another comedian has been added to our lineup for the Heathen Comedy Show on Friday 14th of November. He is American Comedian Al Del Bene.

For details and booking, please go to:  http://www.meetup.com/sydneyatheists/events/200875652/

Sunday 19 October 2014

Heathen Comedy Show
A night of uproarious merriment and laughter.

For details and to RSVP for the Heathen Comedy Show on Friday the 14th of November please go to  http://www.meetup.com/sydneyatheists/events/200875652/

Saturday 11 October 2014

Opportunity Knocks

Here is your opportunity to update our common goal of removing SCRIPTURE classes from State schools and to warn against bringing chaplains into State High Schools. In the survey, please put your objection to scripture including your preference for scripture to be aborted and replaced with more education and / or life skills preparation classes. Also oppose taking on the Federal Chaplaincy.

With an election looming and the government being very receptive, this is a huge opportunity to give the government some important feedback.

Please go to:
October Talks

Sydney Atheists October Talks were preceded by a short video put together by Nick to pay tribute to Carl Sagan on the latter's birthday. This was a fitting introduction to our two exceptional speakers, Wade Fairclough and Professor Geraint Lewis.
Wade highlighted the importance of science in the lives of the billions of people on earth and contrasted religious believer's acceptance and exploitation of all that science has given us with their condemnation of science when presented with evidence that runs counter to their creed.
Professor Geraint Lewis had the audience captivated by his descriptions of the cosmos. He illustrated how galaxies, including our own Milky Way have been built, merged and dismembered. Geraint showed us why the Milky Way is a cannibal. He elegantly and humorously informed the audience of the beginnings of the universe, its gyrations and its likely end.
Sydney Atheists would like to thank Wade and Geraint for two excellent and informative presentations