Tuesday 29 May 2012

Physoc Talks Presents:"Science and Religion: Are They Compatible?"

Wednesday, 30th May 2012, 
12:00pm until 1:00pm
Lecture Theatre 2, Physics Builiding
Professor Tim Bedding giving a public talk on his thoughts on science and religion.

This week, he will be giving us some insight into the role of religion in the scientific realm - a topic close to the heart of many physicists!

As always, there will be cake.
Facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/297270313701014/

Originally posted by Ian Woolf

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Flock of Dodos screening

Flock of Dodos film screening and Q & A on evolution and intelligent design

Randy Olsen is a filmmaker whose work addresses contemporary controversies in science, including the evolution vs. intelligent design debate that is current in the USA. His feature documentary, Flock of Dodos: the Evolution-Intelligent Design Circus uses humorous animation in addition to extensive interviews to explore how and why intelligent design has emerged and how and why debate about evolution is influenced by politics, educational policy, and scientific and popular culture.

Randy Olsen joins Sydney Ideas for a screening of Flock of Dodos and for a panel discussion and Q & A about the intelligent design debate from a range of perspectives.


Professor Paul Griffiths, University Professorial Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy and Sydney Centre for the Foundations of Science, University of Sydney and Professor of Philosophy of Science, ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society, University of Exeter
Professor Ben Oldroyd, an expert in the behavioural, evolutionary and population genetics of bees and professor of Behavioural Genetics, School of Biological Sciences, University of Sydney 
Randy Olson, scientist-turned-filmmaker and director of Flock of Dodos. Previously a professor of marine biology, his other feature documentaries include Sizzle: A Global Warming Comedy. His book Don't Be Such a Scientist: Talking Substance in an Age of Style takes a critical look at science communication.
Dr Steven Orzack, biologist and Senior Research Scientist at the Fresh Pond Research Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Currently a visiting fellow at the Sydney Centre for the Foundations of Science.

Event details
When: Monday 14 May, 6.00pm - 8.00pm (includes 84 min film screening)
Where: Eastern Avenue Auditorium
Cost: Free event but registration required at this page http://whatson.sydney.edu.au/events/published/sydney-ideas-flock-of-dodos-screening
Contact: Sydney Ideas, sydney.ideas@sydney.edu.au
More info: sydney.edu.au/sydney_ideas

Originally posted by Ian Woolf