Tuesday 28 July 2009

Happy Singer and some guy

Dave being told off for "inappropriate" posing with a cardboard cut-out:

Jason and the Pope
 Rachel at Theology on Tap:
World Famous Singing Priests explain where their millions in royalties will go at Theology on Tap. 

Originally posted by Ian Woolf

Atheists at the Observatory

Our trip to Macquarie University Observatory

Originally posted by Ian Woolf

Max Wallace spoke on what the lack of separation of Church and State is costing Australia

Max Wallace at the Sydney Atheists meetup explaining how much the deficit could be filled with taxes unpaid by Churches.

Originally posted by Ian Woolf

Podcast recording

Alan, Dave, and Jason in the studio

Alan on the mic.

Originally posted by Ian Woolf

Podcast People

Alan, Fleur, Dave, and Jason recording the podcast

Originally posted by Ian Woolf

Saturday 25 July 2009

Urgent Sunday 26th July meeting moved to the Clarendon hotel

Anthony has just announced that the special meeting for which the scheduled meeting was cancelled, has been moved from his home to the Clarendon hotel at 12pm. The agenda has not been seen, but we're assured its something to do with future events.

Originally posted by  Ian Woolf

Monday 6 July 2009

Urgent - tonight's committee meeting has been cancelled

Normally committee meetings are scheduled for the first Monday of the month at the Clarendon Hotel, and all are welcome. Tonight's meeting has been cancelled by the president, to be replaced by a special committee meeting to be held on Sunday July 26th at 12pm at his home.
Anthony is keeping his plan under wraps, and none of us know what the meeting will be asked to decide about. Anthony says this will be an important gathering so I strongly urge you to be involved. Other viewpoints are actively encouraged. 

Originally posted by Ian Woolf