Sunday 3 March 2013

Constitution change and new Management team

Hi Everyone,

On Friday evening the 1st of March a new constitution for Sydney Atheists Incorporated was voted on.  The 2013 constitution is now effective. In line with the 2013 constitution office bearers and committee members were elected. They are:

President - Steve Marton
Vice President - Morgan Storey
Secretary - Thomas Kraemer
Treasurer - Murray Love
Public Relations Officer - Carolynn Valbuena
Public Officer - Peter Cartledge
Assistant Secretary / Treasurer - David Killingly

The new management committee is closely linked to and fully supports the Sydney Atheist Meetup group.

If there are any questions or queries they can be addressed to

There are several sub-committees that we are looking for organisers for and volunteers for each. We would ask that you join the incorporated via

I have put a # in the front of subcommittees that have no convenor(organiser) as yet.

#Helping Non-believing Refugees; this group will be setting up an outreach service to offer support to refugees that are non-believers, working with them to assist in gaining a working visa, and offering assistance in getting references and finding their feet.

Conference; Looking to run various un-conferences, mini-conferences with a plan to something bigger in future. Convenor: *Carolynn Valbuena

Debates; This committee is already running, but always looking for more volunteers, we are scheduled for a debate in June, but also looking to run our own series in the near future. Convenor: *Morgan Storey

Ask an atheist stall; group to run outreach into the community on a semi-regular basis. Simply a pressence ala the scientology stand near town hall. Convenor: *David Killingly

IT; facebook, google+,twitter,website/blog, email, statistics, social media outreach, petitions. Convenor: *Morgan Storey

Advertising; Convenor: *Carolynn Valbuena

Secular assembly ; to ensure good relationships with other coalitions and groups. Convenor: *Carolynn Valbuena


#Policy; to develop and write policies and codes of conduct. The first policy we will work on is around inclusion and discrimination.

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