Sunday 12 July 2020

A group of Christian Nationalists called Project Blitz is coordinating an effort.... 

In the United States, a group of Christian Nationalists, calling themselves Project Blitz, is coordinating an effort to inject religion into public education, attack reproductive healthcare, and undermine LGBTQI equality using a distorted definition of “religious freedom.”

To achieve this, the Project Blitz campaign arms state-level politicians with model bills, proclamations and talking points through its legislative guides.

Their campaign pumps out as many bills as possible. Doing so overwhelms MPs and advocates and puts them on the defensive.

Their tactic is to go for relatively innocuous bills at first – something like allowing car number plates with “In God We Trust” – to wear down resistance.

Then, they go for more dangerous bills that undermine equality by allowing discrimination in child welfare and religious refusals in health care.

So far Project Blitz has been the driving force behind more than 300 proposed bills in US state parliaments, and they’ve had 33 passed so far.

Think it couldn’t happen here?

Think again. In Australia, a group called Freedom for Faith is seeking to “ensure religious freedom (is) protected and promoted in Australia.”

Referring to themselves as a “Christian legal think tank”, the group regularly holds conferences on how to enshrine “religious freedom” into State and Federal law and they’ve been undertaking extensive lobbying activity in relation to the Morrison government’s Religious Discrimination Bill.

Groups like Freedom for Faith and many others are well organised and well resourced. They’re determined to see the divisive Religious Discrimination Bill become Australian law and unless they’re met with strong opposition, they may just succeed.

That’s why we need your support.

We need to grow the supporter base of our campaign so we’re strong enough to oppose the Religious Discrimination Bill when it returns to Federal Parliament.

Here's how you can help.
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Thank you for your incredible support.

Stay safe.

The #DontDivideUs Team

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