Thursday 27 February 2020

Don't divide us

You are probably aware that the Morrison Government is trying to institute what they call a Religious Discrimination Bill, which actually seeks to allow the more religious to discriminate against, and indeed, moderately ‘intimidate or vilify’ the less religious, non-religious and people of other religions.
It is arguably the most divisive legislation ever put forward. It must be stopped.

A broad campaign begins today, sponsored by many Freethought groups from around Australia.

Related material

  1. See joint submission by Sydney Atheists and Atheist Foundation Australia below
  2. Associate Professor of Constitutional Law Luke Beck:
  3. Luke Beck:
  4. Former High Court Justice Michael Kirby:
  5. Michael Kirby:
  6. Michael Kirby:

On Saturday 28th March Sydney Atheists will host a conference for the leaders of about a dozen Freethought organisations from around Australia, working toward common goals. Whilst you will not be able to attend the conference in its entirety, you can book to listen to three speakers including Luke Beck from 5.00pm, have an East Asian smorasboard dinner with the various representatives and then attend the entertainment in the evening which will pit a panel of Sydney Atheists against leaders of other Freethought organisations in a battle dealing with philosophy and religion. Bookings are essential at The cost of this event which should finish at around 9.00pm is $35.00. Any profits from the evening will go toward the RDB or Census 2021 campaigns.
That aside, if you would like to donate to the campaign against this Bill, you can do so by depositing into our account with your name and the letters RDB: Our BSB is 112 879. Our Account Number is 410 136 189
Alternatively, you can donate through the website.

All of these articles should help you to compose correspondence to you Federal Member of Parliament and to Senators that represent your state.

If you do nothing more, please email or write to them stating that you are vehemently opposed to the Religious Discrimination Bill because you see it as highly divisive and destructive.

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