Sunday 11 November 2018

Judaism - tenets followed by 55% of the world - how and why?

Judaism is a non-proselytising religion, yet most of its tenets are followed by 55% of the world's population and utilised by an overwhelming number of proselytising religions including virtually every form of Christianity and Islam.

What is it about the fantasy, fables, fiction and edicts of Judaism that have led to such widespread following, as well as so much social and human suffering over at least the last two thousand years?

Steve Marton explains.

Entry to this event will be $5.00 for supporter members of Sydney Atheists and $10.00 for non-supporter attendees. Annual Supporter membership is only $20. To become a supporter member, please go to:

Our talk events are held at the Function Room at Club Redfern:
7.00pm - 9.00pm
2nd Floor, 159 Redfern St

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